Friday, October 23, 2015

Halloween Meeting - October 2015

We celebrated Halloween with costumes and dolls at our October meeting.
Visit our Gallery Page to view the costumes.
Here are the dolls:
Gwenevere Bella and Donald
Inspired by Ute Vasina and Sharon Mithchell

Gwenevere Bella and Donald
Inspired by Ute Vasina and Sharon Mithchell

Gwenevere Bella and Donald
Inspired by Ute Vasina and Sharon Mithchell

Mae Pearl and Ronald
Inspired by Ute Vasina and Sharon Mithchell

Mae Pearl and Ronald
Inspired by Ute Vasina and Sharon Mithchell

Steampunk Halloween Crow by Meeri Stewart

Steampunk Halloween Doll by Meeri Stewart

Coffins by Maria Roxborough

Steampunk Halloween Doll by Meeri Stewart

Steampunk Halloween Doll by Meeri Stewart

Steampunk Halloween Doll by Meeri Stewart

Papier-mâché Halloween Dolls by Sandi Reid

Noah and the Whale by Sandi Reid
Pattern by Susan Barmore

Noah and the Whale by Sandi Reid
Pattern by Susan Barmore

Spirit Dolls, 4 Seasons, by Charlotte McFarland
Pattern by Sunni Hamilton
Autumn 2005, Art Dolls Quarterly

Winged Creation by Mary Brownscombe
Thanks to Betts Vidal for inspiration

Santos Doll "All Will Be Well" by Beverly Brown
Design by Sharon Mitchell

Doll by Mary Nixon
Pattern by Marilyn Holcomb

Cecily the Steampunk Dragonfly by Charlotte McFarland
Pattern by Nancy Hall

July 2013, Soft Dolls and Animals

Dances with Butterflies by Maida Neilson
Pattern by Stephanie Novatskie

Jeanne, The Innkeeper's Wife by Cathy Kess
Pattern by Sharon Mitchell

Flap by Teresa Ranson
Pattern by Nancy Gawron

These photos are also viewable on Flickr.

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